

A man came looking for a mattress.  He was sleeping on a hard floor and was very disappointed that we did not have a mattress.  He said even a box spring would be a relief from the floor.  As the volunteer shared the man’s need with a staff member, he remembered seeing an air mattress.  The man was delighted to receive a box spring with an air mattress.  God stepped in with a provision to bless this man.  We trust that this love gift from Jesus will continue to do a work in his heart as he sleeps each night on this different but perfect provision.


Laura stopped a volunteer with the statement:”I know you.”  The volunteer smiled and asked how they knew each other.  Laura asked her name.  When the volunteer replied, Laura broke into a huge smile and instantly hugged her.  Several years ago the volunteer taught a Bible Study Class in one of our local prisons.  Laura was incarcerated at the time.  The volunteer led her to the Lord during that time.  Laura is now out of prison and has been for a few years.  As they renewed their relationship, Laura shared that she had allowed compromise to slip into her life.  God was able to use the volunteer a second time in Laura’s life. 


More than 150 students from local Christian schools have poured into our two facilities over the month of May to serve the community.  Middle school and high school students have served with excitement, energy, and the desire to make a difference—and they did!  Along with their service, they also brought resources to share with our honored guests.  Some made up tote bags filled with special treats, others brought beans and rice and bagged them for us, while others provided paper products and hygiene items.  These amazing kids have lived before us a huge truth.  If each one does their part,


Recently a beautiful family came to make a very special donation.  Five years ago, they lost their sweet baby girl. To celebrate her memory, they rallied their community to collect and fill “Birthday Bags” with all the supplies needed to bake a cake, decorate, and celebrate a child’s birthday.  Each kit was packaged in a gift bag, and the collection was brought  to WLFJ.  Children all around our community will have special birthdays because of this family’s choice to honor their daughter in such a special way.


James came to our door after hours. He had been living with his brother but was kicked out and had no food and no coat. All were blessed when a 4X new coat was discovered that was a perfect fit for James. Another homeless man who arrived obviously cold and hungry received both food and a nice coat. New and gently used extras become the tools we need to bless our community!  Thank you Jesus!


Walter and his wife are homeless and living in their car.  They ran out of gas trying to get to WLFJ to shop. Walter has health problems and needed a cane.  The volunteer joined them in praying for His provision for them.  He was so excited to receive a cane as he is always worried that he will fall.  They were given a few dollars to buy some gas and received much needed groceries.


Gloria was leaving the building after shopping but stopped the volunteer and asked for prayer that she might be used by God.  At the end of the day, we noticed that Gloria was back in the building with two young people who needed to shop. After hearing the message, Gloria escorted the two into the prayer center where they prayed with the volunteer to receive Christ.  Gloria’s prayer to be used was quickly answered by our amazing God.  God’s eyes are always looking for those who are willing to be used in His Kingdom work.


After the Jesus Shop was closed down at WLFJ, God gave us the blessing of continuing to share from the resources He had entrusted to us.  Carroll’s Kitchen ( is a beautiful partnership for WLFJ in the Body of Christ.  It was our privilege to host a day for these precious ladies to come and shop for their children for Christmas and to help them understand a provision the God has made for them to shop on their own at WLFJ in the coming year.  these ladies who are striving to partner with God in rebuilding their lives and families were blessed.


In Johnston County on Sunday night, the crowds continued to pour in and the available turkeys were getting very low.  The leader shared with the honored guests that turkeys were low but we wanted everyone to be blessed.  If anyone was having dinner with someone else for Thanksgiving and didn’t need a turkey and would be willing to pass, they would be allowed to shop first and also could have a second meat from our deli table.  Several guests raised their hand willing to pass on this big treat in order to help others also be blessed.  It is wonderful to watch even those with great needs be willing to bless each other. 


Melissa, a young mother, stopped in the Prayer Center because she needed help breaking free from the addiction of smoking marijuana and was convicted about her anger and swearing as well.  She said that she knew these things were a sin against God and that her boyfriend told her she was going to hell because of them.  The volunteer asked Melissa what she thought she could do to avoid hell.  The girl responded with ideas like reading the Bible and going to church.  The volunteer loving explained that these things were good, but none of them could save her.  She shared with Melissa about God’s plan of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus.