
Praise Report for October

A Partnering church did an amazing “bumper crop” for us and delivered it recently.  What is a “bumper crop”?  It’s when a local church passes out grocery bags to their members one week with a list of needed food items and other resources for WLFJ.  They fill their bags and bring them back the next week leaving their bag at the back bumper of their car.  A designated committee member drives a truck through the parking lot and picks up those bags and brings them to WLFJ.  If your church is interested, email for more information.

Praise Report for September

Ricardo is a young man in his twenties, who responded to the gospel and wanted to ask Jesus to come into his life.  He admitted he had been pushing the Lord away but was now ready to surrender.  Jennifer approached a volunteer to share that her teenage son had recently died and was looking for God to bring her comfort.  After hearing the gospel message, she stopped in the prayer room looking for comfort and found The Comforter!  Jesus became her Savior and the lifter of her head.  Bernard was recently released from prison and wanted prayer for his new life.  

Praise Report for August

It was a busy Saturday and God blessed us with a good staff of volunteers.  Keisha and Nick came to serve too.  They moved among our guests praying for people as God led them.  We love when we have the opportunity to simply move among our guests and offer to pray especially for those who might never stop for prayer.  They had many opportunities to pray for jobs, housing and illnesses.  God was at work in our building encouraging honored guests and volunteers as well.

Praise Report for July

It was one of those incredibly hot days and because of the heat and limited volunteers we had to close early.  Jimmy was in the number that came.  He was released from prison just a week earlier.  His tone was a bit gruff but his need was sincere.  He did not have a change of clothes and had not been able to bathe in a week.  As he began to shop for clothes, the volunteer realized that there was nothing available in his pant size.  He looked for shirts as she slipped into the processing area to see what she could find to fit him.  

Praise Report for June

A young man came to the Johnston County building to shop and heard the Word presented.  He shared with a volunteer how he had lost both his parents.  As God would have it, the young adult volunteer had also lost both of his parents.  He had the privilege of leading this guest to the Lord.  We praise God for such beautiful God appointments!

Praise Report for May

It was Mother’s Day weekend and the volunteer giving the gospel shared with our community that his mother was born into a very hurting family and had suffered much in her childhood.  However, she came to know the Lord which meant that her difficult heritage was stopped and a new one in Christ began.  He was blessed to be part of that new heritage as it allowed him to be raised in a Christian home.  Then, he had his mother come to the microphone and pray for all the mothers in the room.  Afterwards Martha stopped in the prayer center.  


Jonathan stopped in the prayer center.  His wife had stopped to ask for help with their struggling marriage.  When she didn’t come out for a while, he decided that maybe he too should seek help.  As he shared with the a different volunteer, she asked about his relationship with Jesus.  He admitted that it was time to stop trying to make it without Christ and cried out to Him for forgiveness of sins and a new life.  As they continued to pray, the volunteer serving his wife joined them along with his wife who shared that she had just receive Christ as well!  

Praise Report for March

Alan came into the prayer center to share with the volunteer that he prayed to receive Christ as the message was given.  He was excited to share his news and to receive a Bible.  Amber came in crying, weighted down with depression and anxiety.  She left the prayer center physically and emotionally lifted up!  Tabatha is a single mom with four children and expecting another baby.  She received prayer and was blessed to receive a much needed stove.  We trust that even as she daily uses that stove, she will be reminded of God’s love for her.

January Praise Report

Gabriela entered the prayer center after hearing the message.  She shared that her husband had left her and their children for another woman.  His poor decision had left her to raise the children alone with great financial needs.  Lori reminded her that the Lord promises to never leave her and asked her if she had put her trust in Him.  After some ministry time, Gabriela made the decision to cry out to the Lord for salvation and to begin a relationship with Him.  She left knowing the King of Glory!